Written by
Mark Wiseman
Developer Machine Setup
There are periods of your life as a developer either at home of at work where you go through a cycle of re-build your machine (and other) a seemingly high number of times and the real grind is getting your tools setup and installed each time.
The Windows 10 Development environment is a good place to start if you need a VM running Visual Studio but what about all of your other sweet dev tools?
The applications listed below are what I use everyday as a Sitecore developer you will want to update your to suite your situation.
Here is the process.
Enable PowerShell Scripts
- Open Powershell as an Administrator and run the following script
Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass
Install PowerShell Modules & Windows Components
- Download powershell-iis-and-default-modules.ps1 file to c:\temp https://gist.github.com/mawiseman/cab07877576d5122ab3d7690266110b5
- Open Powershell as an Administrator and run the following script
cd c:\temp
Install Applications via Chocolatey
- Install Chocolatey: https://chocolatey.org/install
- Download chocolatey-packages.config file to c:\temp https://gist.github.com/mawiseman/54fef1543f6ac8c06a16a49a15d80b36
- Open Powershell as an Administrator and isntall the applications via Chocolatey
cd c:\temp
choco install chocolatey-packages.config -y
Install SQL Server 2016
- Download SQL Server from https://my.visualstudio.com
- Mount the ISO
- Download SQLServer2016ConfigurationFile.ini file to c:\temp https://gist.github.com/mawiseman/e6e4143ddafa55cd9d67253af31e9937
- Open Powershell as an Administrator and run the following script
- Download and Install SQL Server Management Studio
.\setup.exe /CONFIGURATIONFILE=C:\temp\SQLServer2016ConfigurationFile.ini /SQLSYSADMINACCOUNTS=$([System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent().Name) /SAPWD=$saPassword
Install Node Modules
- Open Powershell run the following script
npm install -g windows-build-tools
npm install -g gulp
npm install -g gulp-cli
npm install -g bower
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